Early Learning & Parenting Programs
The Early Learning & Parenting Programs department provides child-focused programming for families in Point Douglas, including infant care, child care, early learning supports, traditional parenting supports, and parenting student supports.
Anne Ross
Day Nursery
Founded very early on in the clinic’s history, the Anne Ross Day Nursery (ARDN) provided a necessary support to families with young children who required health care services. In modern times, ARDN operates as an early learning and childcare/infant centre, providing 48 fully subsidized preschool spaces, and 16 infant spaces, in a culturally-safe and supportive atmosphere. In addition to providing childcare to families in need, ARDN provides lunch and snacks to the kids daily, and also helps connect families to services such as speech pathology, FASD treatment and services, and child development counselling.
For more information, or to access the program, please contact us.

Manito Ikwe Kagiikwe -
Mothering Project
The Mothering Project provides support and resources to women who are pregnant or who have given birth in the past 12 months, and are involved with substances. The project helps to provide vital resources including access to support groups, prenatal care, advocacy, and cultural opportunities.

Parenting Student
Support Program
By resourcing parents between the ages of 13 – 23, the Parenting Student Support Program is able to help young parents find success in both parenting and education. The program can provide supports such as: help finding suitable training/education opportunities, help locating affordable housing and daycare, money management training, help with personal issues such as grief and trauma, and access to cultural opportunities.