

Donate to Us

Mount Carmel Clinic’s primary health services are funded by the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. While this allows us to offer quality care, many of our other community-based programming and services, such as early learning parenting supports, parents supports, and community resources, are sustained through annual grants and charitable donations. This generous support allows us to maintain a full spectrum of health supports for our community.

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Mount Carmel
Clinic Foundation

The Mount Carmel Clinic Foundation was established in 1998 to provide an official fundraising body to help with raising funds for large capital projects at the clinic. Visit their website to make a donation to one of our current projects.



In addition to monetary donations, Mount Carmel Clinic is often in need of in-kind donations to support our community programs, such as food, hygiene products, and other goods. Check out the wish lists for an up-to-date listing of items the clinic needs.


Hours of Operation
Monday, Wednesday* + Friday
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Tuesday + Thursday
9:00 AM – 8:00 PM


*We are closed 9:00 -11:00 AM on the first Wednesday of each month

886 Main Street