Mount Carmel Clinic Foundation

Mount Carmel Clinic building (1982)

Mount Carmel Clinic Foundation

The Mount Carmel Clinic Foundation was established in 1998 to provide an official fundraising body to help with raising funds for large capital projects at the clinic.

Mount Carmel Clinic Foundation

The Board has been actively involved in numerous projects in support of Mount Carmel Clinic. Since its inception, the foundations has proudly raised over $6 million for capital projects and over $3 million for special programs.

Funds for Mount Carmel Clinic are acquired through a combination of fundraising, grant applications, special events and through the interest of our investments.

Building Programs That Work In Our Community

The Mount Carmel Clinic Foundation has been instrumental in helping shape the programs and services through fundraising. Here are some of the life changing projects they led:

The Landscaping Project

Mount Carmel Clinic took on a mission to eliminate the concrete jungle that currently exists outside of its North End Winnipeg community health agency and replace it with an inclusive, beautiful and spiritual meeting place.  “The Landscaping Project” is a vision that came to life with the help of the foundation and community.

The Landscaping Project
ACT - Assertive Community Treatment
MCC Primary Health Waiting Room Renovations (2018)

896 Main Street & Primary Health Waiting Room Renovations

In 2018, the Foundation assisted Mount Carmel Clinic with the purchase of 896 Main Street, adjacent to the 888 Main facility and across the back lane from the Clinic.  The $600,000 contribution enabled the Clinic to make this $1.2M purchase and complete the campus plan.  This building now houses Wiisocotatiwin: Mount Carmel Clinic’s ACT. After the neighbouring CIBC bank branch gifted its former building to Mount Carmel Clinic, the Foundation took on a capital campaign to upgrade and expand the Clinic’s facilities. A $1.3-million retrofit of the bank building freed up much needed space for primary health care in the Clinic’s main building.  

After the neighbouring CIBC bank branch gifted its former building to Mount Carmel Clinic, the Foundation took on a capital campaign to upgrade and expand the Clinic’s facilities. A $1.3-million retrofit of the bank building freed up much needed space for primary health care in the Clinic’s main building.  

The Nutrition Project

The issue of hungry and undernourished children in our city is a matter that affects us all. Having to go without healthy, well-balanced meals creates barriers to learning and impedes the chance of future success for Winnipeg’s next generation of teachers, doctors, engineers, artists and skilled tradespersons. To combat this, Mount Carmel Clinic launched The Nutrition Project at Anne Ross Day Nursery. This important program helped provide nutritious snacks and freshly-prepared hot lunches for the 48 inner city children who attend the daycare. 

The Nutrition Project
Sage House - Dream big

Sage House Capital Project

The Mount Carmel Clinic Foundation supported the retrofitting of Sage House in 2017.  Mount Carmel Clinics appreciates all of the support we received in our journey to raise  $400,000 to renovate and revitalize the home of this very valuable service.

Manitou Ikwe Kagiikwe - The Mothering Project Drop-in Renovation

The Mount Carmel Clinic Foundation funded a new $2.2-million drop-in centre and licensed daycare for The Mothering Project at Mount Carmel Clinic. With the newly expanded and renovated space – which includes a kitchen for nutrition classes, group meals and celebrations, work and office spaces, additional storage, laundry and washroom facilities – The Mothering Project now has the capacity to more than double its intake of high-risk moms and babies, and to hold drop-in events on a more frequent and regular basis.

Interior of the Anne Ross Day Nursery. A brightly lit room with tiny, children's furniture, and a wall of windows looking out at the backyard play area.

Anne Ross Day Nursary Grand Re-Opening

The Mount Carmel Clinic Foundation provided funding to modernize and renovate the daycare’s well-used facility, making it barrier-free and fully accessible as well as upgrading the kitchen to commercial status for the hot lunch program.